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Drama 2017
2017 年…
- 2017-01-14(韓)Voice (OCN周末劇,16)
- 2017-01-23(韓)Defendant_被告人 (SBS月火劇,18)
- 2017-02-24(韓)Strong Woman-Do Bong Soon_大力女子都奉順 (JTBC金土劇,16)
- 2017-03-05(韓)Tunnel_隧道 (OCN週末劇,16)
- 2017-03-15(韓)Radiant Office_自體發光辦公室 (MBC水木劇,16)
- 2017-04-05(韓)Queen of Mystery_推理女王 (KBS水木劇,16)
- 2017-04-17(韓)My Secret Romance_焦急的羅曼史 (OCN月火劇,13)
- 2017-04-21(韓)Man X Man_秘行要員 (JTBC金土劇,16)
- 2017-05-22(韓)Fight For My Way_三流之路 (KBS月火劇,16)
- 2017-06-03(韓)Duel (OCN週末劇,16)
- 2017-07-03(韓)The Bride of Habaek 2017_河伯的新娘2017 (tvN月火劇,16)
- 2017-07-17(韓)The King in Love_戀愛中的王 (MBC月火劇,40)
- 2017-07-26(韓)Criminal Minds_犯罪心理 (tvN水木劇,20)
- 2017-08-12(韓)Deserving of the Name_名不虛傳 (tvN周末劇,16)
- 2017-08-25(韓)Age Of Youth 2_青春時代 (JTBC金土劇,14)
- 2017-08-30(韓)Hospital Ship_醫療船 (MBC水木劇,40)
- 2017-09-02(韓)Man Who Lays The Table_準備飯桌的男人 (MBC周末劇 48,48
- 2017-09-04(韓)Argon (tvN月火劇,8)
- 2017-11-22(韓)Prison Playbook_機智牢房生活 (16)
- 2017-12-04(韓)Jugglers (KBS月火劇,16)
- 2017-12-06(韓)Black Knight_黑騎士 (KBS水木劇,20)
- 2017-12-23(韓)A Korean Odyssey_和遊記 (tvN週末劇,20)
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